當戴爾.克羅斯(Del Close)在1970年代發展出黑裸劇(Harold)時,他寫下以下規則:
1. 大家都是配角。
You are all supporting actors.
2. 永遠要檢視你的衝動。
Always check your impulses.
3. 只有在你被需要時才進入場景。
Never enter a scene unless you are NEEDED.
4. 解救你的同場演員,不要擔憂小事。
Save your fellow actor, don't worry about the piece.
5. 你最基本的責任就是給予支持。
Your prime responsibility is to support.
6. 永遠善用大腦思考。
Work at the top of your brains at all times.
7. 絕不屈尊或是俯就於觀眾。
Never underestimate or condescend to your audience.
8. 不開玩笑。
No jokes (unless it is tipped in front that it is a joke.)
9. 信任。信任你的同場演員會支持你;信任他們在你給予沉重包袱時有能力解決;信任你自己。
Trust... trust your fellow actors to support you; trust them to come through if you lay something heavy on them; trust yourself.
10. 除了是否需要幫助、最好要遵循什麼、當需要你的時候自己能夠提供什麼具有想像力的協助等外,不要妄加批評。
Avoid judging what is going down except in terms of whether it needs help (either by entering or cutting), what can best follow, or how you can support it imaginatively if your support is called for.
11. 傾聽。